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A possible suggestion (wrt

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               A possible suggestion (wrt "Take me off the

I wonder why no one seems to be asking, WHY so many people are asking to get
of the list?
Hello all,

 this is just a possible suggestion, and comes around from the mass of
"Take me off the list" messages that we've all been getting in the past
few weeks.


  Would it be a good idea to move this list from being email-based, to
being Web-based??


  The amount of "management based" mailings to the list, such as "Please
tae me of the list" and others... which list recipients are unnecessarily


  - Discussion lists are "opt-in" systems. That is, a user decides to
    "subscribe" to a list, to join the discussion. A Web-based system
    would allow users to participate in the message threads that they wanted
    to, rather than receiving ALL the message threads that are sent to the

    Users would then NOT have to receive the flood of "Me too" messages
    that this list is currently receiving.

    This would ultimately reduce the amount of total network traffic, as
    users would be able to select what they wanted to read rather than having
    everything sent to them.

  - The list is about the Web. Examples of code, and such like, could be
    put into service on the central server, so that users could easily see
    what the examples do.

  - Inherent advantages of the basic Web system, such as <hyper-links> to
    further resources would make the list easier for subscribers to use.
    Rather than having to "cut'n'paste" a URL, they could just click and go.

  - The total amount of network resources would be reduced. Instead of
    1000+ mailboxes filling up, just one filesystem would be needed to hold
    the relevant data.

  - Email-based systems are inherently fraught with problems. Problems
    which could be removed are such things as people creating bounce-backs
    thru the use of 'vacation' mail programs, or loss of transmission due to a
    user's account being closed.

  - Central administration of the list would be reduced. No more adding
    and removing users from lists, clearing up mail faults, blah blah blah..

  - Message threads would be easier to follow. Rather than, for example,
    60 mail messages on 5 topics turning up in a mailbox all jumbled up, users
    could just add a message to a thread at the relevant point...

  - .. and why am I going on about this?? You all know the capabilities,
    functions, pros and cons of the Web!!!!

It is NOT my intention to tread on anyone's corns. It just seems, to me,
that this would be a good move.



: Steff Watkins, UBris StarLink Site Manager
: University of Bristol, Clifton, Bristol, AVON, BS8 1TH, UK
: RFC-822 : Steff.Watkins@bris.ac.uk
: X-400  : /G=Steff/S=Watkins/O=Bristol/PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/
: Phone: +44 177 287869 (external)   3046 / 7651    (internal)